LinkedIn Profile Photo Mistakes Professionals Should Avoid

LinkedIn can be a powerful platform for professionals looking for new career opportunities and those who want to network. Your LinkedIn profile picture is an integral part of the first impression you create – it gives people some insight into who you are and what your personality is like.

If you want to make sure your LinkedIn profile picture has the right effect, here are a few mistakes to avoid:

Mistake 1: You’re Using an Outdated Photo.

If someone wouldn’t be able to recognize you in person after seeing your LinkedIn profile picture, it’s time for an update. Whether you’ve changed your hair, style, or you’ve simply lost a significant amount of weight, it’s best to update your headshots.

Mistake 2: The Backdrop is Distracting

If your eye is drawn to the background of your photo instead of your face, it’s not the right image. Ugly, outdated, or distracting backdrops should be avoided for any and all headshots.

Mistake 3: You’re Wearing an Unprofessional Outfit

While it’s perfectly fine to wear something that represents your personality and creativity, you should always look professional. What are you currently wearing in your profile photo? Would a potential client or employer find it off-putting? If so, it’s time to update your LinkedIn profile photo.

Mistake 4: Your Profile Photo Lacks Personality

As much as you want to appear professional, your headshot should still tell some sort of story. Using a stiff and overly formal LinkedIn profile picture is a sure-fire way to blend into the background. If you want to stand out, bring a bit of personality into your headshot.

Mistake 5: Using a Poor-Quality Photo

The last mistake you want to avoid is using a low-quality LinkedIn profile picture. If you took it with your phone and the photo looks grainy and unprofessional, it’s time to invest in a headshot session with a photographer.

By avoiding these mistakes, you can upload a LinkedIn profile picture that stands out and tells your personal brand story.

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